Ram Charan entrusted Tamil director Shankar with his immediate next film after RRR and that’s how Game Changer happened. But the shocking part is that this film has been in the making for far too long already.
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Shankar took up Indian 2 in the middle and executed and also released the film, while Game Changer took the backseat. Sadly for him, Indian 2 backfired big time.
But this time around, Shankar has no kind of hiding place with Game Changer. He had more than enough time at hand, Dil Raju evidently provided him with endless resources and Charan was very patient with it, despite all the delays.
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Shankar must certainly deliver a winning product for all the trust and respect Charan and Dil Raju had in him. Else, no other mainstream hero would let their director work on some other film in the midst of their own film, let alone a star like Charan after RRR.
Shankar is no doubt one of the greatest talents ever in Indian cinema but his graph has been on a downward spiral of late. But he can’t let any slipups this time around with Game Changer.
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The makers of Game Changer have tentatively claimed that this film is set for release this Christmas and the dubbing works commenced today. So it shouldn’t be long before we get to see if Shankar richly paid back Charan and Dil Raju for what they gave for Game Changer.