Nara Lokesh’s Red Book gained more popularity than CBN’s Super Six during the election campaign. Lokesh prominently displayed the red book at every public meeting, issuing warnings to IAS and IPS officers who he claimed were acting against the constitution, specifically targeting those who allegedly harassed TDP cadres.
His warnings energized the TDP supporters, while the YSRCP cadre were left disheartened after their defeat in the AP elections. Surprisingly, TDP supporters also felt disappointed as the Red Book was not immediately acted upon after the elections. However, recent events suggest that the Red Book has indeed been put into action.
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Frustrated by Lokesh’s Red Book, the IPS Officers Association filed a complaint in the High Court. Some officers involved in corruption under the previous government have reportedly fled to North India to avoid repercussions.
Starting tomorrow, from 10 a.m., certain officers who have been awaiting postings are required to report to the DGP office, sign in, wait in the hall until 5 p.m., and then leave. This is not officially labeled as a punishment, but as part of the regular administrative process.
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The DGP, Dwaraka Tirumala Rao, issued a memo to 16 senior IPS officers who ignored these instructions. Two DIG rank officers also included in the list. Everyone knows these officers dance as per the previous government’s tune in 2019-2024. It’s clear that the Red Book has had a significant impact. TDP leader JC Prabhakar Reddy made a satire there is no differnece between prisoners who released on conditional bail to these officers.