Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu chaired an important review meeting with the Civil Supplies Minister and the department regarding the ration rice distribution vehicles and Mobile Dispensary Units (MDUs) earlier today.
The state’s Civil Supplies Minister, Nadendla Manohar, and department officials opined that MDUs result in only losses, with no profit for the government.
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It was stated that the government may soon revoke MDUs across the state. Meanwhile, Chandrababu Naidu asked the officials and the minister to find a solution for clearing pending dues to the MDU vehicles.
The minister noted that the door-to-door delivery of ration rice through MDUs, initiated by the YCP, is loss-making.
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He explained that instead of delivering the rice door-to-door, the vehicles were stopping at the end of the street and distributing the ration of rice from there.
Manohar pointed out that the previous government purchased 9,260 vehicles by spending Rs. 1,844 crores under this door-to-door ration rice delivery scheme.
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The minister explained to the CM how these vehicles were misused by YCP leaders to smuggle rice out of the state.
Meanwhile, CM Chandrababu Naidu stated that a meeting will be held soon to discuss how to utilize the ration dealers in the state.