The Telangana budget sessions started a couple of days ago and the state’s Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, also serving as the state’s finance minister, introduced the state budget earlier today.
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The government made room for spending 10,000 crore rupees to develop Hyderabad. A huge amount is allocated for the city’s development for the first time.
3,065 crore rupees will be used to create the infrastructure in GHMC, 500 crore rupees for creating infrastructure under HMDA, and 3,385 crore rupees for Metro Water Works.
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200 crore rupees are allocated to Hydra, 100 crore rupees are allocated to the expansion of Airport Metro, 200 crore rupees are granted for the development of the outer ring road, and 500 crore rupees are granted to the Hyderabad Metro Rail Project.
On the other hand, 500 crore rupees were granted for the expansion of Old City Metro and 500 Crore rupees for a multi-modal suburban rail transport system. Finally, the Musi riverfront project received 1500 crore rupees.
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Meanwhile, it has to be seen how opposition party BRS reacts to this budget. BRS supremo KCR attended the assembly for the first time today after Telangana assembly elections.