In Maharashtra’s Sindhudurg, the police are investigating the case of Lalita Kayi-Kumari S., a 50-year-old woman of Indian origin who is also a US citizen. She was found chained in a forest by some local shepherds, who called the police.
Lalita was very weak and dehydrated from not having food or water for several days and was taken to a hospital in Goa, where she is now stable. The police found her US passport with an expired visa and an Aadhaar Card with a Tamil Nadu address, likely belonging to her husband.
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Lalita told the police that her husband, a man from Tamil Nadu, took her to the forest and left her there after a fight. She wrote notes to the doctors saying she hadn’t eaten for 40 days and that her husband had tied her up in the forest.
The police have sent teams to Mumbai, Goa, and Tamil Nadu to find her husband and family and to understand why she was left in the forest. They are also checking her citizenship details with the US Consulate.
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The police have charged her husband with attempted murder and other crimes based on her statement. The investigation is ongoing, and the police are looking for her husband.