The Tamil Film Producers Council conducted a meeting yesterday and passed serious orders. This meeting happened due to the actor’s salary hike and the losses to the production houses.
The Tamil Film Producers Council is also planning for a strike due to actors’s salary hikes. This issue is alarming, as the Tamil Actor’s Council has condemned this and also mentioned that this was their own decision without any appropriate messages to the Actor’s Council.
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Producer Council has passed several serious orders, which include that hereafter if any big star movie releases should be streamed in OTT after 8 weeks from their theatrical run, no new Tamil movie shoot can start after August 15th, the movies that were already started shooting should finish their shooting by October 31st, no shooting from November 1st, and also issued a red card to the actor Dhanush and also applied several conditions that any producer who is producing his next movie should get proper approval from Tamil Film Producers Council.
Also, TFPC was planned to start a new committee and to compose new guidelines for the upcoming movies. Let’s see what big things or changes are going to happen in the Tamil film industry due to the Tamil Film Producers Council strike.