The problem with films and shows about unsung heroes is that we are supposed to praise them even before they are released.
We are expected to celebrate the brave spirits and the sacrifices they make. All this with a melodramatic climax that gets us sentimental.
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And such is the cliche we find in Rahul Dholakia’s Agni.
One can say that the film served its purpose of showing the tug-of-war between the two unsung heroes—the police and the firefighters—who are fighting for the same cause.
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But from a storytelling point of view? Maybe not so much.
The film works as a good social commentary but lacks in aspects of storytelling. It lacks raw depth and tragedy in a more honest portrayal of what firefighters truly go through. The thrill is built but could have been sustained better.
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The VFX are a hit or miss, but visually we get a sense of claustrophobia and chaos when the characters jump into the fire.
What the movie lacks in story, the actors make up for with their performances. Pratik Gandhi shines as the chief fireman, delivering a solid emotional performance. He was accompanied by Sayami Kher, Sai Tamhankar, Anant Jog and Divyenndu.
Agni goes beyond the fire. We all know that firefighters have to fight with it every day. But this film helps us understand how fire affects their lives and their day to day activities.
Amazon Prime’s Agni brings up topics of discussion we wouldn’t have otherwise. It is a decent one time watch for anyone looking for an inspirational story.