Director Anubhav Sinha the Mulk, Article 14 and Thappad fame is ready to bring us IC814: The Kandahar Hijack. It is going to be a limited series based on the longest aviation hijacking of India in which 188 citizens were held at gunpoint. Netflix captioned the official trailer as “188 onboard, and the entire nation held at gunpoint.”
Vijay Varma will be seen in the lead role as the pilot of the IC814 plane along with talented actors like Dia Mirza, Pankaj Kapur, Manoj Pahwa and Naseeruddin Shah. Earlier, films like Kandahar, Neerja and Bell Bottom have also told the story of several plane hijacks that shocked our nation. Netflix has released a trailer today and the series seems intense. It is surrounded by the politics and bureaucracy on one hand and on the other 188 people along with the pilot and crew facing a terrorist group in hopes of survival.
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The series is backed by Matchbox Shots and Benaras Mediaworks. Fans who love the retelling of such real life incidents are super excited for this series. It will be interesting to note if the show brings some newness to the oft repeated genre. The performances and storyline will be under critics’ and viewers’ review after the series releases on Netflix on 29 August.
Till then you can watch the trailer here:
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