We have all seen Bollywood actors like Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgan and Shah Rukh Khan appear in ads for a paan masala. Even many cricketers who enjoy much repute in India don’t shy away from advertising alcohol and tobacco. These people are supposed to be our role models but they endorse such harmful products that can cause viscous addictions.
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Over the past many celebrities are seen promoting paan masala, gutka, tobacco, alcohol and gambling. In his recent podcast with Ranveer Allahabadia, John Abraham shunned such celebs who promote unhealthy lifestyles and called them out for “selling death”. He emphasised the need for living with honesty and practising what you preach rather than being a hypocrite. Many actors claim a healthy lifestyle on social media, and in reality sell such dangerous products which they themselves don’t consume but influence their fans to use.
John Abraham is known for his obsession with fitness and promoting a healthy lifestyle. In the past he is seen doing ads for plant based drinks, face washes, and engine oils but he has always kept an open stance about never promoting pan masala, tobacco or alcohol. John Abraham’s Vedaa is going to release on big screens this Independence Day. His presence at the box office on this patriotic day with a similarly themed film has become iconic with Satyamev Jayate, Batla House and Force. We are yet to see how much love fans shower on this project. Meanwhile we hope the A-listers who blindly run for the money can also learn from him!