M9 News, along with its management team, is not just focused on delivering first-on-net reviews from the U.S. or breaking the latest Tollywood updates. We are equally dedicated to contributing to society in meaningful ways.
In 2024, we launched charitable initiatives, setting aside a budget for 2025 to support those in need and respond to unexpected incidents, regardless of their scale. To expand this effort, we are introducing a donation program, inviting our readers and well-wishers to join us in making a difference. Together, we can extend our reach and amplify the impact of giving back to society.
This request kept appearing on our Timeline frequently last week. On the behalf of our organisation, we are donating INR 20,000 for this cause.
May your mother get well soon brother @Cult_of_Kalyan #M9Support https://t.co/CrHsup5ojf pic.twitter.com/cT1tn98mZJ
— M9 NEWS (@M9News_) December 24, 2024
We contributed 50,000 Rupees to Cheyutha WCBO, an organization dedicated to empowering HIV-positive women through community support and initiatives.
మా సంస్థ M9 NEWS నుండి రెండు తెలుగు రాష్ట్రాలకు రెండు లక్షల Donation
AP, Telangana CM Relief Funds కు కష్ట కాలంలో ప్రజలకి మా వంతు సహాయం
We stand by the People of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in this Difficult Hour and believe this small contribution will help those suffering… pic.twitter.com/akadgvvTuo
— M9 NEWS (@M9News_) September 3, 2024