US New Laws Sparking

India might be heading into an oil crisis, and as usual, the middle class will face the brunt of it. New US sanctions on Russia could end the steady supply of oil to India, which makes up 40% of imports.

For years, India took advantage of discounted Russian oil, thanks to other nations backing away after the Ukraine war. But now the US has disrupted this supply chain by sanctioning 183 Russian oil tankers.

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If you look at the alternatives, they are not great either as the Middle East is way costlier than the cheap Russian counterpart. With Trump’s aggressive approach, there are fears that he might impose sanctions on Iran as well, further challenging the import of resources.

This means the public is looking at higher fuel prices and further inflation in the near future. Businesses will be left scrambling and the public services might also see a hike in prices.

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This crisis is a harsh wake-up call for India’s over-dependence on oil imports. It’s time for bold action on energy independence before the next shock comes knocking.