Allu Arjun had a treacherous period pertaining to the Andhra Pradesh election where he endorsed YCP candidate Silpa Ravi. The repercussions were felt severely after TDP-JSP came to power in AP and adding weight to that Bunny’s Pushpa 2 got postponed.
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Hadn’t it been for the delay, Pushpa 2 should have started ruling the social media platforms and offline mediums by now.
Had the film stuck to the original release date of 15 August, the promotions would have commenced by now. Considering the wide reach that the first part got, the second part’s promotions would have touched the roof.
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The pan-Indian belt, particularly the North belt where Pushpa mannerisms and songs got a huge reach would have been buzzing by now.
Allu Arjun, who otherwise should have been ruling the social and offline charts by now with one of the most lucrative sequels in Indian cinema arriving, is lingering with shoot delays.
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Meanwhile, there is a fair bit of negativity and social media hate going around on Pushpa 2 which is again a result of the AP election result.
In the end, what should have been a golden period for Bunny now has turned out to be a treacherous period with Pushpa getting pushed from Aug 15 to December 6th.