Auntie Network for Desis in the U.S.Dating is no longer time-bound in today’s times, and the market is flooded with apps for various age groups. On the line of the phrase, ‘Auntie Knows Best,’ Texas-based Indian-American serial entrepreneur Radha Patel has launched the ‘The Auntie Network,’ a tech-driven dating service intended for south Asian singles and families alike.

The online matchmaking portal is a dating app for desi parents in North America. Well-wishing friends and family members facilitate the dating app and subsequently the marriage process for singles by making introductions that could lead to a lifetime of companionship.

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For quite a few decades, the Sima Aunties (Indian matchmaking on Netflix) of the world have used the networks to introduce single men and women to prospective life partners, says Patel, founder, and CEO of The Auntie Network, who is a mother of two.

The idea is to use the experience of Sima aunties to throw open a network of singles from all over North America and eventually from the diaspora around the world. The network says it is a platform to provide a safe, secure, sophisticated village for Indian singles who are otherwise not comfortable with the idea of a digitally-arranged marriage.

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The first step is to make a parent account. Then one has to find eligible matches by location, community, and many other search options. The third step is to meet uncles and aunties. The fourth step is to recommend hand-picked matches for kids.

The Auntie Network is live, and family members can sign up for free a month’s trial.

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