Increasing Pensions is one of the first promises kept by Chandrababu Naidu. Also, he eliminated the volunteer system and successfully disbursed the Pensions door-to-door using Secretariat Staff.
During Jagan’s tenure, Volunteers would knock on the doors of the beneficiaries starting at 4 AM and disburse the pensions.
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To prove the Volunteers system is useless, the Secretariat Employees would also start distributing the Pensions at 4 AM.
For the eight pensions distributed so far, they did the same and dispelled any doubts over the door-to-door pensions delivery without Volunteers.
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Now, the CM wants to fix the problems.
Starting Pension distribution as early as 4 AM to create ‘records’ has become a hassle for the beneficiaries as well as the employees.
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The employees have to wake up as early as 2 AM or 3 AM to start collecting the money and reaching the houses of beneficiaries.
The beneficiaries have to wake up early in the morning to receive the money and finish the formalities.
This rat race is completely unnecessary. The beneficiaries are fine as long as the pensions are received on the First of every month at their homes.
The employees are also disgruntled about these hassles. The CM ordered the officials not to start the pensions before 7 AM.
“Ensure that the pensions are given at homes. Knocking the doors at 4 AM is unnecessary both for the employees as well as the people,” the CM instructed the officials.
That is how you do things in politics. You prove you are capable of doing something. Once you create an impression in the people that you achieved it, you can fix systems to make the people involved comfortable.