A father with a slipper in his hand beating his son publicly, while everyone is watching. One might think he must have done something really heinous but apparently that was not the case. He was caught by his father while he was buying a pack of canned beer.
Yes, his father caught him red-handed realising that his son is an avid appreciator of the miracle booze. He wasted no time in trying to talk it out and went for his ideal weapon of choice, slippers. The entire shop stopped everything they were doing just to witness this canon event in this boy’s character arc unfold as his dad kept smacking him with his slipper.
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At one point the boy realised that there are people watching him and it was pretty embarrassing for one to be seen in a situation like this, so he tried to convince his father to halt the beating and they can continue it later in a more private space. When he was confronted by the father the only excuse he could come up with was, “It’s not for me. It’s for my friends”.