Woman Uses Child in Soft Porn

Nobody expected that the bar of humanity could be this low. A woman who calls herself a social media influencer used a little boy to make soft porn in order to gain fame. The pictures of her and the kid in questionable postures have gone viral and now all eyes are on that lady who used a minor for the sake of likes.

A tweet by Deepika Narayan Bharadwaj went circulating on twitter which had obscene pictures of her and a young lad who might be his son as people are saying. They also claimed that this cheap trick to gain followers and likes is also being used by her daughter. The whole family is into this soft prom business. And they have no shame since they are earning fame and money out of it.

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Twitter users also blamed the woman for polluting her family with this tactic. And questioned why women do such shameful acts. Which created another debate on the same forum as another user countered her statement by saying it’s not just women who are into such stuff. Men at times can also be seen involved in such horrible acts.

Child pornography is a grave crime which has serious punishments for it. If her act of the lady can be proved she can be in serious trouble. Do let us know your thoughts. Whether she can be punished or or it’s her independent choice to indulge herself into this sludge.

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