An Indian woman’s dreams of settling in the US with her NRI husband turned into a nightmare. After being silent for months, the Gujarat resident has finally spoken out against the abuse.
A 40-year-old woman from Surat has filed a case against her NRI husband and his family for domestic violence, abuse, and dowry harassment.
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The couple met on an online matrimonial site in 2022 and the man started to pressure her to get married because he had to file for immigration soon. The woman claims that just 2 days after her marriage the husband mistreated her after getting drunk during their Goa trip.
After they returned home from their vacation, the situation got worse as she was allegedly subjected to abusive language and physical harassment from her husband and in-laws.
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The accused claimed that he had a motel business in the US, but lost most of his fortune settling the divorce case with his former wife. Thus, he constantly demanded money from his new wife including ₹2 crore for bringing her and her mother to America.
He rused the woman telling her they would settle abroad and she should sell her mother’s home to get the money. However, he brought only his parents with him and threatened the woman to leave his home in Navsari.
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The victim has been living in fear with her mother for the past 10 months, but she finally spoke up against the abuse, filing a complaint on Wednesday.