Indian 2, the long-awaited sequel to Kamal Haasan and director Shankar’s 1996 classic, has been a colossal disaster. The film, which finally hit theaters after endless delays, has been universally thrashed by audiences.
It’s clear that Indian 2 has failed miserably compared to the original, with fans deeply disappointed by the portrayal of the iconic character Senapathy.
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Shankar, known for his successful track record, has now suffered his first major disaster with this film. Indian 2 is also the biggest flop of 2024, barely scraping 150 crore worldwide when it needed 600 crore to even break even.
In the wake of this massive failure, Netflix India was rethinking its deal with the production team and delaying payments. But reports now confirm that Indian 2 will still premiere on Netflix on August 9.
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Prepare for an onslaught of social media trolls from August 9 onwards. The film will be ruthlessly trashed for its dreadful story, terrible screenplay, awful songs, pathetic action scenes, and horrendous performances, and rightfully so.
The revamped look and character traits of Senapathy are bound to get the harshest criticism.