Actor Suriya is gearing up for his next, Etharkkum Thunindhavan which is scheduled for release on March 10. Directed by Pandiraj, the film will release in Telugu apart from Tamil. Interestingly, after a hiatus, Suriya has landed in safe hands.
Suriya, despite being a Tamil star, used to have a good market base in Telugu states. In fact, his films carried a good buzz like any other home-grown actors. However, in the last couple of years, the actor’s market slowly got out of sight due to poor choices.
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His last releases were Aakaasam Nee Haddhu Ra and Jai Bhim, which were direct-to-OTT release. Both the films have earned good responses among audiences and with this, the actor’s next Etharkkum Thunindhavan has good buzz.
Etharkkum Thunindhavan Telugu rights has been bagged by Asian Multiplexes Private Limited. The Asian Cinema have are one of the best distributors and exhibitors. Given that Etharkkum Thunindhavan is bagged by a reputable one, Suriya has landed in safe hands. The actor has again now gotten a chance to impress Telugu audiences again.
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