
On December 13, Netflix’s Mismatched Season 3 and Prime Video’s Bandish Bandits Season 2 will be released simultaneously, and the streaming battle is going to be tough. Each of these programs uses unique storylines and has dedicated fan bases to try to capture viewers’ attention.

It is Bandish Bandits, an India Band Championship rivalry centering on music and heritage between Radhe and Tamanna. It mismatched target addresses by talking to young romance and issues brought by technology.

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Bandish Bandits attract musical drama and cultural depth lovers, whereas Mismatched attracts the younger lot in search for relevant contemporary themes. The styles of different platforms are defined by their approach.

This conflict reflects growing competition in streaming. As for the platforms, they are trying to attract different groups of audiences through this unique content during Christmas season.

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The battle of December 13 reflects in the way the streaming giants battle over viewer’s attention. Both of them promise highly engaging shows with different varieties of stories, which gives users a great deal of options.