Director Parasuram faced significant criticism for his last movie, “Sarkaru Vaari Paata,” starring Mahesh Babu. He was lambasted for not fully utilizing a superstar like Mahesh and delivering a film of mediocre quality that failed to satisfy either fans or the audience.
He was heavily criticized for squandering Mahesh Babu’s valuable time on a project like “Sarkaru Vaari Paata.”
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Now, Parasuram is back with a vengeance with “Family Star,” starring Vijay Deverakonda and Mrunal Thakur. There are expectations that he will replicate the magic of “Geetha Govindam” with this film.
The good news is that “Family Star” falls within his genre of expertise, his strong suit. However, unlike “Geetha Govindam,” which had a blockbuster soundtrack, “Family Star” lacks a super hit album, though the songs are okayish.
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Parasuram must craft a screenplay that is thoroughly engaging. The success of the film hinges entirely on his writing and direction. He must deliver his best work for “Family Star.”
“Family Star” is a make-or-break film for Parasuram. He must deliver big time this time, no matter what. Failure now would make it exceedingly difficult for him to approach a big hero or banner for his next project.
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