Pawan Kalyan made comeback on silver screen with Vakeel Saab after a hiatus of three-year gap. Pawan made his re-entry with a film which he thought would also help him politically. While it fared well in other two industries, Vakeel Saab couldn’t be a profitable venture for the producers as expected.
Venu Sriram helmed the film and also made changes in the script adding commercial elements to elevate Pawan showcasing his star value. But Venu Sriram was condemned by a section for taking too much liberty and shifting the focus from the three young women to on Pawan Kalyan and making him the centre of limelight.
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It may be recalled that Trivikram Srinivas was supposed to work on Vakeel Saab script. But for some reasons he couldn’t take up. Venu Sriram has now opened up on this in an interview. “I was relaxed in the beginning when I came to know that Trivikram is working on the script. So my job was simplified as I had to focus only on direction. But one fine day, Trivikram informed that he won’t be able to come on board for Vakeel Saab and asked me ‘can I fine tune the script’. I was left perplexed but of course, I took up the job,” adds Venu Sriram.
Trivikram Srinivas is known to bring finesse to any script. Fans opine that if Trivikram would have come on board for Vakeel Saab, he would have retained the soul of the plot by making sensible changes. Apart from this, he would also add a brand value to the film. Thus, Vakeel Saab too could have set the cash registers ringing.