In an attention-grabbing incident, Telugu actor Jagadish, who turned famous for being seen alongside Allu Arjun in Pushpa, has been arrested by Hyderabad police in a blackmail case. He was arrested by Punjagutta police a short while ago and was sent to court.
Earlier, a junior artist had committed suicide after she was allegedly blackmailed by Jagadish who had clicked a photo of the junior artist with another person.
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Reportedly, Jagadish clicked the photo of the junior artist on 27 November and threatened to post the same on social media. The actress was hurt by the same and she committed suicide on 29 November.
Jagadish has now been reported in the case and he was evading the police for the past few days. He was finally caught today by Punjagutta police and has been presented in court.
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Jagadish is playing an important role in Pushpa 2 as well. It has to be seen if his arrest will have a serious impact on the filming.