Comic caper Raja Raja Chora OTT release date and platform has been locked. Sree Vishnu’s starrer will be streaming on Zee5 on October 8. The film had hit the screens on August 19 and it got positive accolades from all quarters for its fun and emotion.
In fact, post COVID second wave Raja Raja Chora happened to be the first film that garnered a good response. The film got good reviews and it also won audience hearts. However, with the situation still grim, fewer footfalls were witnessed in theaters.
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And for all the movie buffs who missed watching it in theaters can now watch on the OTT platform as the comic riot is arriving on Zee5. This comes as a good offer for the digital streaming platform as it has a blockbuster film in its kitty.
The film was directed by debutant Hasith Goli and starred Megha Akash as the female lead. The film also starred key characters like Ravi Babu and Ganggava.