Maharashtra Government has allowed to reopen the film theaters from October 22nd and we have filmmakers announcing their release dates in a hurry. On the other hand, there are films which are still coming on the OTT. Vidyut Jamwal’s Sanak is the next Direct-to-OTT release from Bollywood.
It will release on October 15th on Disney+ Hotstar. We also have Taapsee’s Rashmi Rocket releasing on the same day. Rashmi Rocket will have its OTT Premiere on Zee5. On the very next day, there is Vicky Kaushal’s Sardhar Udham Singh is releasing on Amazon Prime Video.
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It looks a clash on the OTT Platforms for Dussehra. The fireworks are not present in the theaters for this festive season instead we will see that on the OTT space. Sardar Udham Singh is the craziest of all these three films while Rashmi Rocket has decent expectations because of Taapsee.
Let us see which of these three films or may be the three OTT Platforms will have the last laugh for this Dussehra!