Natural Star Nani is hoping to complete hat-trick blockbusters with his next outing Saripodhaa Sanivaaram directed by Vivek Athreya. The shoot of the movie is progressing at a fast pace and the team is presently canning the climax action episode involving Nani and others.
The climax sequence in Dasara is the best action block in Nani’s career so far. But, the never-before climax of Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is learned to be much more intense. It is also heard that Nani is performing some deadly stunts for this climax sequence, which obviously is the most powerful climax for the actor.
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DVV Danayya and Kalyan Dasari are producing the movie where Priyanka Mohan will be seen as the lead actress opposite Nani. Saripodhaa Sanivaaram will grace the cinemas on August 29th, this year.
[5:47 pm, 14/5/2024] Nishant: NB Extag