Balakrisha Craze TANA PhiladelphiaThe 3-day TANA event in Philadelphia concluded on Sunday, with Nandamuri Balakrishna attending as a special guest alongside his wife and other family members.

There was a huge rush to see the star upon his arrival at the venue, and these videos have been widely shared on social networks.

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A section of sick-minded individuals began spreading a narrative that the craze for Balayya is solely due to fans from his own caste community. They made derogatory caste comments about Balakrishna and TANA. Their argument questions how Balakrishna could attract such a following or create such a mad rush at TANA if not they are Kamma fans.

If only Kamma fans attended TANA, how could the event have drawn a record number of 13,000 – 15,000 attendees from different states? If these were all Kamma caste fans rushing to see Balakrishna at the event, then his premieres should collect no less than a minimum of $300,000 (15,000 x $20 per ticket). This $300K is based solely on the TANA audience count, not the entire caste community in the U.S. This shows how absurd this propaganda is.

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These individuals also raise questions such as how people can shout “Jai Balayya” at the airport or during the event if they are not Kammas. The straightforward question is whether this phenomenon is unique to only Balakrishna? If Chiranjeevi were to walk out of an airport in the U.S., would his fans remain very calm because it is the United State of America?

These sick-minded individuals have their own caste-driven agenda and consistently attempt to tarnish Balakrishna’s image. In reality, they cannot tolerate heroes or politicians from other castes. However, they choose to lecture only about Balakrishna on social media.

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Ironically, these people who bring up caste conveniently forget that they themselves are the most fanatical about caste, spreading venom against the hero solely because he does not belong to their caste.

Despite the YCP wave, he emerged as the two-time Hindupur MLA, representing a constituency where his caste comprises less than 1% of the population.

It should be noted that Balakrishna conducted himself professionally, without making a single political remark, and expressed his appreciation for all NRIs and their noble deeds and donations to his Basavatarakam Cancer Hospital. Yet, these cancer-minded individuals will continue their unwarranted hate on Balayya and his caste for no reason.