Kumari 21F ReviewBOTTOM LINE
Between mature and immature


‘A’ certified, 133 mins.

Raj Tarun Kumari 21F ReviewWhat is the film about?
Questioning the maturity levels of one lover vis a vis other other is what the film is all about.

How is Raj Tarun’s performance?
Let’s just begin by saying the film has scope to perform, so has the hero performed and impressed? The answer to this would be a mixed one. Raj Tharun has tried but that is clearly not enough. Let’s just say shouting or high pitched delivery doesn’t amount to great emotions. Besides those few performance moments everything else is what Raj has been doing from the beginning and he does it again with considerable ease.

Sukumar Kumari 21F ReviewDirection By Surya Pratap?
After a long gap director Pratap is back again with a new film. Even in his last film Current the director showed his skills only to falter towards the end. The same isn’t a problem here though rather it’s the ‘bold’ content that’s the problem.

Credit must be given to the director for neat execution of the problematic and offensive sounding content. It’s another problem that the content looses steam after a point in second half. The sub plots could have been neatly merged into the main thread especially considering how it all ended.

Hebah Patel Kumari 21F ReviewHebah Patel and other artists?
Heba Patel has been given a lifetime character. Is it the characterization that makes it memorable or the performance? It is clearly the former. The trio acting as friends of hero have been perfectly cast. They carry off the entertainment with tremendous ease but look out of depth doing the opposite despite best efforts.

Devi Sri Prasad Kumari 21F ReviewMusic and other departments?
Music and background score by Devi Sri Prasad along with cinematography is a major asset for the film. Editing should have been better. Dialogues are good and contain the mark of Sukumar all over.

Highlights Kumari 21F ReviewHighlights?
Bold concept
Heroine characterization
Music and BGM

Sub plots
Bit lengthy
Final ending

Drawbacks Kumari 21F ReviewAlternative Take
One of the sub plots of the film involving the parents already had the scope for proper juxtaposition with main story. But it wasn’t used wisely. An alternative take would be by having it as parallel track with main one till the final resolution.

Did I enjoy it?
Yes, for most part.

Will you recommend it?
Yes, to any youth who doesn’t mind something fresh.

Kumari 21F Review by Siddhartha