The 4th of July is one of the most awaited dates for all Americans. The independence day celebration in the United States is a big event and the fireworks, the highlight of it. However, this independence day weekend would be remembered forever by many families for a very wrong reason. This independence day weekend witnessed a large number of shootings across the nation and Chicago was one of the big victims.
During the holidays, a total of 109 people were shot in various shootings. This is a very concerning level of bloodshed that the city witnessed over a short period of time. Unfortunately, 19 people died in these shootings according to police data.
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The victims include kids as young as 8 years old and senior citizens as well. The city of Chicago no longer feels safe for the residents because these attacks are only on the rise. The rampant gun culture in the USA is producing more victims everyday while the law makers openly defend firearms.
Easy accessibility to guns is one of the main reasons behind many of these attacks. It is hard to understand why America still stands for easy gun laws even after having such a heavily funded police department.
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