Netflix has once again raised its subscription prices in the U.S., sparking renewed discussion. Each time Netflix increases its prices, there is backlash, but fortunately for the streaming giant, the impact remains minimal. This time, Netflix is using its newly gained 19 million record subscribers in the last quarter as justification for the hike.
The updated pricing structure includes:
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• The ad-supported plan at $7.99, ($1 increase)
• The standard plan at $17.99, ($2 increase)
• The premium plan at $24.99. ($2 increase)
These new prices will be rolled out gradually in the U.S., with Netflix continuing its strategy of incrementally increasing prices by $1 or $2 per plan at a time. However, taking the premium plan to nearly $25 is a significant commitment for long-term subscribers.
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As expected, the price hike has triggered backlash, particularly from U.S. subscribers on social media, who are questioning the quality of content being delivered in relation to the frequent increases. Many complain that Netflix produces only a handful of standout shows, while the price hikes continue unabated.
Despite the criticism, the reality is that most subscribers, once hooked on Netflix, rarely leave the platform. This loyalty is Netflix’s greatest strength. The sheer volume of content it releases weekly—whether outstanding or moderate—keeps subscribers engaged. Netflix’s ability to consistently roll out a vast library of titles ensures its dominance, regardless of how often it raises prices.
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