Vikramaditya Motwane is all set with his new directorial venture starring Ananya Panday in lead role. It is going to be a cyber thriller and the unique aspect of the film is that it is a computer generated film. It takes a leap in filmmaking by showcasing the life of a social media influencer and her life fitted between the screens. Earlier it was called Control but now it is announced with a world play “CTRL”. The film has a joint production of Vikramaditya Motwane and Nikhil Dwivedi. It also features Vihaan Samat.

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The release date of the project has been finally announced! It will enter our small screens through Netflix on 4 October. The newfound inception of the film and crucial take on the influence of social media will be interesting to follow. Earlier Ananya was seen in Kho Gaye Hum Kaha that dealt with a similar theme of social media’s influence on our lives.

The ever rising influence of social media sites have been making its way into the filmmakers consciousness. And people also receive the theme positively as they find a reflection of a real life issue that they deal with in their day to day lives. The film’s success depends on how well this unique storytelling unfolds. We are yet to witness the trailers and other updates about the film. However, the unique medium holds a strong appeal for tech and cyber thriller fans.

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Here’s the official date announcement: