Priya Bhavani Shankar recently appeared in the highly anticipated film Indian 2, directed by Shankar. The movie turned out to be a massive disaster at the box office. Priya, who played a supporting role as a friend of Siddharth, received a lot of criticism after the film’s poor performance.
In a recent interview, Priya mentioned that working with a well-known director like Shankar was a big deal for her. She had hoped the film’s success would lead to more opportunities, but instead, she was heavily trolled.
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She apologized to the audience for not meeting their expectations and explained that no actress would turn down a chance to work with Kamal Haasan and Shankar.
Blaming Priya Bhavani Shankar for the film’s failure seems unfair, especially since the issues largely stem from Shankar’s script and direction.
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With a budget like that, the script should have been solid, but it wasn’t. Even Kamal Haasan, a legendary actor, gave his worst performance. So, expecting Priya Bhavani Shankar to deliver in a film marred by poor direction and writing is unrealistic.
Director Shankar faced severe criticism for Indian 2, and rightly so. Shankar has not yet commented on the negative feedback. With Indian 2’s poor reception, there are concerns about how his upcoming film, Game Changer, will perform.