The lavish Ambani wedding last night gave Tollywood followers with a splash of freshness. Firstly, it was Mahesh Babu who caught the attention with his new looks.
Now, it is Akhil Akkineni’s turn to hog limelight. A set of pics of Akhil from the event last night have surfaced on social media now.
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In these pics, we see Akhil showcasing his masculine look. He has grown lengthy hair and thick beard for the film.
While Akhil always had the blessing of masculine looks, these new pics instate the fact further.
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That being said, it has been a while since Akhil has been looking great, but his all-important films have been bombing. This happened with Agent as well recently.
This time, a lot more is expected from Akhil apart from the conventionally good looks. He is said to be doing another actioner this time for his next film.
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Though Akhil’s fans are pleased with his looks, they’re demanding the star hero not to disappoint with the content this time around. They’re pushing him to take equal care of the film’s content along with his masculine appearance.
The onus is now on the Akkineni hero to back it all up with his upcoming film which is said to be with a debut director under UV Production.