Allu Arjun after wrapping up Sukumar’s Pushpa 1 will team up with Venu Sriram for ICON. The film was announced two years back but for some reason, it didn’t go on floors. Earlier it was revealed that Bunny will be undergoing a huge transformation for ICON, now here comes nothing interesting piece of information.
Allu Arjun would be seen as a blind man in ICON. The speculations are rife over it and if this happens then this is something new for the actor who will be first-time seen in such a role. This would be the second time another star actor will be seen essaying a blind man role after Ravi Teja in Raji The Great.
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While to portray as a blind man is a challenge itself, the actor has doubled his challenge now. Apart from the challenging role, Bunny will be having a massive makeover showing him in a never seen look before. It is interesting to say that for Pushpa, the actor has put in tiresome efforts, and do the same for ICON without break is applausable.
Currently, Venu Sriram is busy with the pre-production works. ICON is said to begin from September and Bunny may soon hear the final narration of ICON. Post ICON, he would again get back to Sukumar sets for Pushpa 2.