Despite garnering decent reviews, Thalaivii, a biographical political drama starring Kangana Ranaut and Aravind Swamy in the lead roles failed miserably at the box office. So, it went for early OTT release. The Hindi dubbed version of the film premiered on Netflix on 25th September, which is just 15 days post its theatrical release.
However, for undisclosed reasons, the Hindi version of Thalaivii is streaming only in India. It wasn’t made available for streaming in the USA.
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The Indian American users of Netflix are now annoyed with the platform for the delay in Thalaivii’s release in the USA region. Those who were hoping to watch the film on the small screens are disappointed big time now as it isn’t available for streaming in the USA.
It is unclear if Netflix will be steaming the film in the US region a bit later, or if the platform hasn’t acquired the US OTT streaming rights at all.
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Meanwhile, the Telugu and Tamil versions of Thalaivii are set to premiere on Amazon Prime Video on the 10th of October.