Venkatesh Makes It Difficult For Allu ArjunIcon Star Allu Arjun is coming up next with Pushpa. The two-part film is set in the border regions of Rayalaseema. To get the native feel right, the actor will be mouthing dialogues in the ‘Seema’ dialect. In fact, he (and the team) has been promoting the same as one of the USPs. Well, Venkatesh has come out of the blue and made things difficult for Allu Arjun.

Venkatesh’s Narappa, too, is set in the Rayalaseema background. The senior actor mouth the dialogues in ‘Seema’ slang. The word on his act is out, and it is unanimously positive.

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Venkatesh has carried the ‘Seema’ slang with a natural flair and without going overboard. The star went about his work without making any fuss about it. Now, he has set a benchmark for it.

Whenever Pushpa arrives, Allu Arjun’s dialect is sure to get compared with Venkatesh. So, not only is the novelty lost here, but also it raises the bar for perfection. We already are aware that Allu Arjun has hired a particular tutor for dialect training. We have to see how well he gets it right.

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Sukumar helms Pushpa. He is making sure that it turns out to be a memorable affair. The film’s shooting has resumed, and the makers intend to finish it as soon as possible. If all goes well, Pushpa Part One will hit the cinemas in December later in the year.