Ashwini DuttOn Tuesday evening, renowned producer C. Ashwini Dutt met with Nara Bhuvaneswari and Brahmani in Rajamahendravaram to show his support for Chandrababu Naidu and denounce his arrest, which he believes was driven by political vendetta by Jagan.

Speaking to the media, Ashwini Dutt stated, “It’s shocking to see someone as great and iconic as N. Chandrababu Naidu behind bars. This is a grave injustice and is beyond immoral. Mark my words, in the upcoming elections, the Chandrasena alliance (Chandranna and Janasena) will win 160 seats and form a strong and stable government.”

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Dutt has been consistently criticizing Naidu’s arrest, praising Naidu for his contributions to the country, including producing a Prime Minister, President, and Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

He has been very vocal about how the people of Andhra Pradesh would send a strong message by voting out YSCRCP.

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Ashwini Dutt’s fearless words against the Jagan government deserve commendation. Despite potential challenges with his Rs. 500 crore project, “Kalki 2898 AD,” he didn’t hold back in criticizing the YSRCP government’s politics.