Nikhil Advani is all set with his upcoming web series Freedom At Midnight. It will be soon released on Sony Liv and recently a trailer has been dropped for the same. The film has stars like Arif Zakaria, Ira Dubery, Siddath Gupta, Chirag Vohra and others playing significant historical figures involved in the freedom struggle.
The web series is based on a renowned historical book of the same name written by Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins. The trailer claims that the history we all know is different from what really happened and it is set to correct the course of what people believe. The oft repeated topic of Indian cinema – freedom struggle and partition, is tried to be showcased in a new light. The political note of the show makes it a critical work that will surely divide fans and their opinions.
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How well the show handled the subject will be revealed after its release. However, the show has high production value as it is a joint venture between Emmay Entertainment, StudioNext and Sony Liv. It also has a well versed screenplay team. It is only about time that the results will be on our screens. Freedom At Midnight will be an interesting web series to follow as the heated political discussions and critics’ reviews are bound to take over the social media if the show gains momentum.