After the director-actor duo was seen in their acclaimed film Mukkabaaz, Vineet Kumar is set to work with director Anurag Kashyap again. This project revolves around wrestling for which Vineet has also started rigorous training. Vineet was also seen in Kashyap’s other projects like Gangs Of Wasseypur, Murabba and Bombay Talkies.
Interestingly, Vineet also wrote Mukkabaaz and underwent training to perfect the role of a talented boxer. The film was positively received by the critics but didn’t do well at the box office. Despite the dedication of actors and filmmakers, films often don’t give the desired results in terms of their collections. Vineet recently talked about the need to not get pulled down by a film’s bad performance. But he feels glad that makers repeatedly choose him for their projects and trust his skills.
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Kashyap has gained much attention recently for his role as a villain in Maharaja. He will also be producing children’s film Little Thomas and directing a thriller film starring Bobby Deol. Kashyap’s versatile talents know no bounds. Now fans are super excited for this new project. We are yet to receive more news about the name, star cast and storyline of the film. Stay tuned and we will update you about the same soon!