Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s Bheemla Nayak Pre-release event will happen on the 21st of this month in Hyderabad at Yousufguda Police Grounds. Usually, Pawan Kalyan films do not have Chief Guests but the Bheemla Nayak event is likely to have KTR as the Chief Guest, the buzz suggests.
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We all know about the friction between AP Government and Pawan Kalyan. At this juncture, bringing KTR for the event will make an indirect statement. KTR will also use this opportunity to send a message that his Government will support the industry in all possible ways.
This assumes significance at the time when AP CM Jagan Mohan Reddy has pitched the idea of shifting the industry to Vishakapatnam. Pawan Kalyan supports BJP which is the principal opposition to TRS in Telangana. But KTR’s presence will say that politics and films are entirely different for Telangana Government which is exactly what is happening in Andhra Pradesh. Pawan Kalyan is going to indirectly imply that this is the political maturity a Government should possess.
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We will have to see how Jagan and his men will receive this indirect statement. They are already known to be extremely intolerant to every move of Pawan Kalyan. Also, it will be interesting to see if Pawan Kalyan can maintain restrain in his speech at the event.
Meanwhile, Telangana Government has also allowed Special shows for Bheemla Nayak. The shows are likely to begin as early as 5 AM in some areas. All the theaters are likely to screen five shows on the first day.
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