Mahesh BabuJawan is causing mayhem at the box office, not only in the North but also in the South, including the Telugu states. The film has also sparked discussions about how Jawan is a heady mixture of so many South films.

The Telugu Twitter/X community is also going nuts about how Jawan is just like a Mahesh Babu film with a lot of speeches and messages but without Mahesh Babu.

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Mahesh Babu has been under the radar of critics, trolls, and a section of his own fans for doing films that have a message, especially after the success of Srimanthudu. But none of his later films turned out to be very memorable. On top of that, films like Sarkaru Vaari Paata turned out to be redundant, with poor production values and dismal writing.

The thunderous response to Jawan proves that message-delivering films can also work, provided they are packaged nicely with good production values, solid writing, and skillful direction, unlike Sarkaru Vaari Paata.

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