Teja Sajja and director Karthik Ghattamaneni collaborated for the first time on a Super Yodha film Mirai to offer a never-before experience. TG Vishwa Prasad is making the movie on a big canvas under People Media Factory. The buzz is high on the movie, given Teja’s last movie Hanu-Man was a sensational hit, and the promos of Mirai were well-received.
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Extending birthday wishes to Teja Sajja, a new poster was dropped. This striking poster shows Teja bravely facing a death-defying situation, emphasizing the adventurous nature of his character as a Super Yodha who is ready to face any challenges.
Director Karthik Ghattamaneni created a new world for the movie, and the first-look poster with an intriguing backdrop is very interesting .
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This Pan India film will be released in 8 languages in 2D and 3D versions on April 18, next year.