The Telugu Desam Party’s candidate selection process in Visakhapatnam district has been marked by uncertainty, particularly regarding the Bhimunipatnam assembly constituency. While senior leader and former minister Ganta Srinivasa Rao was initially expected to contest from Bhimunipatnam, the party leadership directed him to run from Cheepurupalli in Vizianagaram district.
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This decision was made with the intention of fielding Ganta against Botsa Satyanarayana, a sitting MLA and senior minister from the ruling YSRCP. However, Ganta expressed his preference for Bhimili over Cheepurupalli. After Chandrababu Naidu assured him of victory in Cheepurupalli based on extensive surveys, Ganta agreed to contest from there.
It appears that Cheepurupalli will indeed be represented by Ganta Srinivasa Rao for the TDP. However, the candidate for Bhimili remains undecided. Karrothu Bangarraju, who aimed for the Nellimarla constituency, which was allocated to Janasena as part of the alliance, is now vying for the Bhimili seat. Meanwhile, Baira Foundation MD Dilip Chakraborty, who sought the Anakapalli MP seat (now assigned to the BJP), is also interested in contesting from Bhimili.
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With Bhimili being the only vacant seat in the district, multiple individuals are lobbying for the opportunity. The party leadership will ultimately decide who will be given the chance to contest from Bhimili, amidst these competing interests and aspirations.