The Andhra Pradesh High Court has granted regular bail to Telugu Desam Party (TDP) Chief Chandrababu Naidu in the Skill Development Case. The CID, reportedly dissatisfied with the verdict, is considering approaching the Supreme Court.
There are indications that a petition might be filed in the Supreme Court on Tuesday. The ruling party, YSRCP expressed shock and frustration at the bail granted to Chandrababu Naidu by the High Court.
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The court’s decision emphasized the lack of evidence connecting the alleged misused money to TDP’s bank accounts. The prosecution was criticized for not presenting substantial evidence in support of the serious allegations against Chandrababu Naidu. The court suggested that the CID should have provided stronger evidence before seeking the leader’s remand.
Chandrababu Naidu had already approached the Supreme Court with a quash petition regarding the CID remand report in the Skill Development case. The Supreme Court has reserved its judgment on the matter. If the Supreme Court ruling favors Chandrababu Naidu, it could impact the perception of his integrity, not only in Andhra Pradesh but also nationally.
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The application of Section 17-A in this case has become a matter of concern for political leaders across the country. The upcoming Supreme Court verdict is eagerly awaited by both supporters and critics. YSRCP is doing mistake after mistake in CBN case.