In a historical collaboration between India, UK and USA, a once in a lifetime project is being brought to the world, and it will be named Shri Radha Ramanam. The Creativeland Studios Entertainment is crafting a global epic of Lord Krishna. India’s best selling author Amish Tripathi has also joined this venture as a creative director. His in-depth knowledge of the mythological stories will be of great importance here. Writers Prakash Kapadia and Raam Mori along with mythology specialist Hardik Gajjar have prepared the script.
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With its theatrical release set for February 2026, we can expect the film to start shooting in November. Backed by an international production team, the set will be crafted at Vancouver, LA and Los Angeles to recreate the spellbinding grandeur of Vrindavan and Dwarka. The magnanimous scale of the project will surely excite the fans. The tale of Lord Krishna teaches the world of love, resilience and various virtues. It spans across a childhood full of mischief, youthful romance and the epic of Mahabharata.
Indian mythology getting represented on an international level is a proud moment for all of us. We can expect this project to be charged with VFX and post production marvels as well. With solid storyline, cinematography and great performances the film can achieve laurels internationally. The star cast is yet to be revealed and we will bring the news to you as soon as we receive it. So keep following us for more!