The Bollywood box office welcomed two new theatrical releases last weekend and they are Bade Miyan Chote Miyan and Maidaan. Both the film are headlined by superstars like Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff(BMCM) and Ajay Devgan(Maidaan).
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Shocking, both these films are likely to engage Rs 100 crore+ loss each. BMCM collected 36 crore nett in the first weekend and the film is not even remotely close to recovering the investments which are in the range of Rs 350 crore. Even if we add the OTT and satellite rights, the film is likely to incur over 100 crore losses.
Then there is Maidaan which reportedly had a making cost of Rs 250 crore. It collected Rs 21 crore in the first weekend and much like the earlier mentioned film, this Ajay Devgan starrer is also likely to leave Rs 100+ crore losses even with the non-theatrical deals in place.
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In a single weekend, Bollywood has managed to deliver two films that are on course to incur Rs 100 crore losses each. These films have left a huge dent in the Bollywood trade.