sakshi-logic Data Safe With Volunteers, Not WhatsApp

Nara Lokesh recently launched WhatsApp Governance in Andhra Pradesh.

In the first phase, 161 services are available. The second phase will expand the platform to 360 services.

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The initiative was designed to bridge gaps in service delivery, ensuring easier access to Government Departments and Services. Sakshi and YSR Congress have launched a tirade against this service as well.

Sakshi carried a Banner item spewing venom on this saying that this is a danger for Data Security as the Data of the Citizens will be accessible by the Private Company (WhatsApp here).

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It further cooked a story that the government will use this data to remove welfare schemes and votes from the opponents.

Firstly, all the messages on WhatsApp are encrypted from end to end.

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Whenever a message is sent, it is encrypted and decrypted at the receiver’s end.

The message is not stored in WhatsApp servers in its original form so no one will be able to read or access that. These days several banks and financial companies are also using WhatsApp services. Data Security is paramount for them. They would not use WhatsApp if it was not secured.

Until seven months ago, the same data was readily available with Volunteers who were YSR Congress activists. Sakshi has no problems with trusting the data of the public with them but has issues with a secured system like WhatsApp.

And then, as far as the removal of Votes and Welfare Schemes, the data is already available to all Government Departments.

The Government does not need to bring in another layer like WhatsApp to get the data.

As usual, Sakshi is into fear-mongering but anyone with minimum common sense can see through their intentions very easily.