Toxic Corporate Culture

Toxic work culture is not only limited to long work hours and stress but it is also extended to the ways people take to socialize in the corporate world. A techie recently shared his terrible experience at the office just because he was refused to be involved in harmful habits.

The Bengaluru-based man revealed on his Reddit post that the first barrier he faced was the exclusive use of Hindi at meetings. Even learning the language doesn’t resolve the issue because you will miss out on the cultural references and inside jokes that people crack.

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Then comes the social circle of toxic traits. He claims that if you aren’t smoking during breaks or drinking during office parties you will miss out on connecting with your seniors.

The office balcony becomes an exclusive club for smokers where big decisions are made without you. While non-smokers stayed glued to their desks, people were bonding over clouds of cigarette smoke.

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Similarly, you’d be called a “boring one” at office parties if you refused alcohol. You will suddenly become a ghost and feel out of place at an event that is meant to bring colleagues together.

The viral post has sparked a debate about this toxic culture where your success is tied to smoking, drinking, and cracking Hindi-only jokes. How will one compete in this race when it is already rigged?

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