Aishwarya Rajinikanth, the director of “Lal Salaam,” appears to struggle with acknowledging setbacks gracefully. Currently, she is discussing the unfortunate loss of 21 days of footage in the movie, attributing it to the film’s failure. While this setback could have contributed, she vaguely attributes it to “irresponsibility” without specifying who was the culprit.
Additionally, she mentions the overshadowing of the main story by her dad Rajinikanth’s character. Instead of taking responsibility for the decision to grant him a larger role, she somewhat shifts the blame to his superstar status, stating “Once I showcased Rajinikanth, nothing else seemed to matter.”
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Aishwarya also talks about technical problems like old hard drives and corrupted files causing issues. While these things can happen, it seems like she’s using them as excuses to cover up the fact that she indeed made a very bad and outdated film.
Her tendency to point fingers and cite external factors for the film’s failure is evident. Rather than owning up to her shortcomings as a director, she seems reluctant to admit that the film simply did not meet expectations. In previous instances, she attributed the failure of ‘3’ to Anirudh and the song ‘Kolaveri D’, and now she continues this pattern by making excuses such as script collapse after Rajinikanth’s involvement, last-minute reshuffling of the entire edit, and the significant loss of footage.